Easy Schedule | Help Tutorial - Program to create a school schedule grid
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- Visualization problems
- Easy Schedule's pages are best viewed with browsers Internet browser sGoogle Chrome or FireFox IN THEIR MOST RECENT VERSIONS in a screen resolution of 1200 x 768 or higher.
- If you are using an old version of internet explorer may may be some display problems such as scroll bars do not show and slow loading speed.
To solve the scroll bars problem, you need to increase the resolution of your system for a minimum of 1200 x 768.
- View how to proceed to change the screen resolution in Windows:
- Minimize todas as janelas do seu desktop e CLIQUE COM O BOTÃO DIREITO DO MOUSE ou abra o painel de controle do windows e CLIQUE EM CONFIGURAÇÕES DE VÍDEO.

- Next, change the resolution to at least 1200 x 768 or higher and click APPLY and OK.

- If you are still experiencing visualization problems take a print screen with your problem and send it to contato@horariofacil.com so we can help you.