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Easy Schedule's Features | Software to create a school schedule

Software's Features

  • It allows to create school shcedules with one or more working periods (shifts)
  • It allows the organization of data in the schedule in didactically divided steps to facilitate the entry and the location of the data regarding the classrooms, the professors and their various operating restrictions.
  • It allows a schedule to be totally or partially duplicated in order to avoid retyping.
  • It has assistents in every step in order to help you register the data and guiding you through simple questions, so that each step is fully completed.
  • It allows the user to enter the school's name, period and reference year to find a schedule among other possible schedules stored in the same user account.
  • It allows a flexible registration of the working week of any school due to the fact that it can be divided in multiple periods set by the user with a variable class time duration.
  • It allows each period to have one or more breaks, being allowed to have intervals of different duration for the same period.
  • It allows the working days to be fully customizable having the option to disable a certain day in a period and the same day to be enabled in another period
  • It allows to have different weeks to classrooms that work in the same period but in different schedules.
  • It allows classrooms that work in the same period to have a different time or start interval.
  • It allows classrooms that work in the same period with different start schedules or a bigger number of lessons per day.
  • It allows a centralized registration of the subjects that are offered as a grid in the school, being that any subject can be associated to a different color to be used in the final report of the schedule created grid.
  • It allows to register the classrooms or meetings identified by the name of the room or class.
  • It allows that each classroom to have a different curricular grid being composed of a list of subjects and a quantity of lessons that should be lectured to each subject.
  • It allows to block certain schedules of the classroom if the total of the curriculum grid is less than the total availability of the classroom so that a locked schedule will not be allocated by any professor.
  • It allows to build schedules with different classroom locations with shared professors that have the distance time set in the moment of the grid creation.
  • It allows that each subject of each classroom can be lectured in a specific environment different from the space of the classroom, being this environment restricted to be shared with other classrooms.
  • It allows to specify subjects of one or more classrooms to be lectured at the same time by the same professor.
  • It allows to register the professors identified by their name.
  • It allows each professor to lecture one or more subjects.
  • It allows each professor to have extra activities or meetings with other professors besides the subjects he or she lectures
  • It allows to set the availibility of each professor locking the available or unavailable schedules, or by the number of days off it should have during the week.
  • It allows to set the maximum number of daily and weekly lessons that each professor can lecture.
  • It allows you to set a professor to lecture a certain subject in a certain classroom.
  • It allows you to deny a professor from lecturing a certain subject in a certain classroom.
  • It allows to set priorities to the allocation of professors that are competing to lecture the same subjects in the same classrooms.
  • It shows a previous calculation of the pendencies that inform the necessary minimum in order for the schedule to have a grid that attends the professors availabilities.
  • It shows suggestions to delete each previously presented pendency.
  • It allows to define how the lessons should be grouped (followed, interspersed, two in a row, three in a row, etc..).
  • It allows to set a certain subject's professor to lecture in a certain classroom, in a certain day and schedule.
  • It allows to set the processing macro order of the presented restrictions.
  • Checks for severe and minor errors before the processing of the schedule.
  • It allows the solution to be processed in Easy Schedule's super computers.
  • It allows the user to create a solution using the solutions editor.
  • It allows to edit a previously created solution.
  • Arrange the created solutions by date (from the newest to the oldest).
  • It allows to download each solution in the excel extension (.xls)
  • It has analysis tools to search for any availability problems within the schedule.
Architectural Features
  • It allows users not to worry about instalations or software updates, which are automatically done by the internet browser
  • It stores all of the created schedules on the cloud server.
  • It protects all the data by email and user password.
  • It allows the user to access the system's features from any computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection and an updated browser
  • It provides high availability to supply the site (~ 99.8%), data security and speed of access to the site allowing thousands of connected users simultaneously without reducing performance.
  • It allows new features to be added without disrupting the active users.
  • Provides support to users for the most common communication channels (system pages, e-mails and phone. The user simply needs to enter the number and the schedule in which it wishes to be contacted).